Promote Health Through Indoor Air Disinfection Solutions
Health clubs, gyms, and fitness centers are spaces dedicated to health and wellness. Promote health not only through exercise, but also through indoor air disinfection to help prevent the spread of dangerous aerosol pathogens.
Our UV lights for disinfection provide continuous germ-killing power even as your customers work out and attend exercise classes. It is a truly 24/7 solution for protecting people from serious contagious illnesses. With our UVPhasor®, you can kill aerosol pathogens as they float into the disinfection barrier zone.
The barrier zone that our UV light disinfection solution creates helps kill germs without exposing people inside your health club to UV rays or dangerous disinfecting chemicals.
Farlite™ Protected gyms and fitness spaces show your customers you are proactively protecting them against harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Our system kills most germs, including COVID-19, using powerful UVC light that destroys the germ’s DNA and protein coating so that it can’t infect or reproduce.
Our indoor air disinfection solutions also provide autonomous operation, so you have peace of mind your building is always protected. Our UVPhasor® technology uses sophisticated sensors and artificial intelligence to monitor conditions and make adjustments to their operating power to enhance germ-killing efficacy.
Start killing germs in your fitness facility – contact us now to request a proposal for our UV light disinfection solutions.
UV Light Disinfection Kills more than 99.9% of Pathogens in Your Health Club
Aerosol pathogens can quickly spread through your space. Germs can float through the air as well as be spread throughout your facility through the HVAC system as it recirculates indoor air. People shouldn’t be afraid to breathe in your health club, gym, or fitness center.
That’s where UVPhasor® come in. Our UV lights for disinfecting provide ongoing protection by killing germs as they float through the air in your building. This means there are zero disruptions to your operations, even in 24/7 fitness facilities, as you can disinfect your space even while it’s occupied.
Unlike traditional disinfectants, UV light disinfection doesn’t require additional labor or harsh chemicals. It works in practically every part of your gym or health club, including locker rooms, workout areas, classrooms, and bathrooms.
With invisible UV light from UVPhasor®, you show your customers and staff that you care about their health and well-being by constantly killing germs in the air they breathe. Get Farlite™ Protected to help stop the transmission of potentially life-threatening illnesses in your building.
Create safe spaces for your health club, fitness, center, or gym today. Contact us to get started with our UV light disinfection system.